A great way to meet people, make friends, get closer to God,
and explore real answers for life’s questions.

We can’t do life alone.

The Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. We believe that growing in our relationship with the Lord happens best in a small group setting, so we must be intentional about finding and connecting with other believers.

Ministries and small groups are a great way to meet people, make friends, draw closer to God, and find real answers for life's questions. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, receive encouragement and accountability from others, and strengthen our faith, we then have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and make disciples who make disciples.

We believe that we are relational people – relational with Christ and with one another. That’s why we’re interested in groups that allow for relationships to be built. Some of our groups involve fun activities, some are based around recreational activities, and some focus on studying God's Word. We encourage you to find your place!

NEED CHILDCARE? We want to help make it as easy as possible for people to participate, and we know that figuring out what to do with the kiddos can be a challenge. Please let us know if you need childcare and we’ll do everything we can to help.