What a privilege it is to walk alongside church family in times of need and celebration ... grief and joy ... special occasions and daily life.

Part of being a family is jumping in to do our part. There are many parts to serving, and it includes nurturing and serving our church family, as well as reaching out to the community and world around us. We serve on Teams at Sharon Methodist Church –  focused on Totally Engaging Authentic Ministry. We’re interested in being difference-makers.

Church Family Team

At Sharon we want to meet the many needs among our congregation, including providing outside resources when necessary. We work to develop relationships and to coordinate efforts with other teams as needed to support ministry areas for family life, including:

Bereavement – to help those who are grieving the loss of a church member or immediate family member by serving or providing a meal before or after a funeral/memorial service or returning from an out of-of-town service.

Visitation – to assist the pastor with visiting the shut-ins, sick, and imprisoned.

Food Deliveries – for those home from the hospital or after childbirth.

Transportation – to assist individuals with transportation to and from doctors’ appointments.


The Worship T.E.A.M.’s primary goal is to ensure that our worship experiences at Sharon are meaningful, purposeful, and engaging. And that takes an army of joyful volunteers to make that happen!

Want to serve during worship?

Contact the church office at [email protected] or (910) 842-2929 for a current Schedule of Ministries, to volunteer, or to receive more information about worship arts, music ministries, or leadership roles during our worship services:

Music Ministries
Praise Team | Choir

Altar Guild
Liturgical Colors | Banners | Communion | Acolytes

Worship Leaders
Greeters | Ushers | Communion Servers | Liturgists | Transporation | Little Lambs Nursery


Chairman : Martin Hommer

Lay Leader: Don Bolinger

Discipleship Team Leader: Doc Ferrell

Finance Team Leader: Carol Daugherty

Worship Team Leader: Susi Pegan

Church Family Team Leader: Larry Sellers

Missions/Outreach Team: Debbie Kirby

At Large/Facilities: Edward Anderson

At Large/SPRC: Gail Beck

At Large/Finance: Kim Todd