Sharon UMC has become known as the "community church"  -  and we can't think of a better nickname. Check out areas to plug in to be Christ in the Holden Beach community and surrounding areas.

Those seeking a way to plug in and make a difference in our local community and district should connect with a member of the Missions & Outreach T.E.A.M. or contact the church office at (910) 842-2929. Here are a few ways our church family is making a difference.

Sharon’s Volunteers in Mission

Sharon Methodist Church is blessed to have the district trainers for the United Methodists Committee on Relief (UMCOR) as active members leading many missional outreaches in our community in our Volunteers in Missions efforts. It’s a busy crew between building handicap ramps, mucking out houses during hurricane relief efforts, providing minor repairs for those in need, coordinating flood buckets, and other projects that arise.

Neighbor to Neighbor Food Pantry
We invite everyone to participate in making a real difference in our local community by bringing a can of non-perishable food to the church and placing it in one of the mini red grocery carts located at the car-port entrance.

The Rose of Sharon

The Rose of Sharon Thrift Store, staffed with Sharon volunteers and located on the east side of our campus, is one of the key projects of Sharon Methodist Church's Missions & Outreach efforts in our community. It not only funds various missions throughout the year, but also helps many people in the Holden Beach area and region in times of need. The store accepts donations on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 AM -1:00 PM. The store’s hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM.  Know someone in need? Want to volunteer? Contact the church office at or (910) 842-2929.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Sharon’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, launched in 2008 by Mrs. Pat Masker, has been a profound ministry which started with a thought that led to a conversation which led to love in action. The ministry has provided hundreds and hundreds of handmade shawls, lap blankets, scarves, hats, and preemie baby blankets and caps through the years to area and regional Hospice centers, hospitals, NICUs, assisted living facilities, and homeless shelters. All of these have been lovingly created and prayed over on our altar. Infants baptized at Sharon Methodist Church also receive a beautiful homemade white blanket. Join the knitting team on Thursday at 1:00 PM and know the generous yarn and monetary donations for supplies are appreciated!

Vacation Bible School

If you ever experienced VBS as a kid, then you know how much summer fun it is for youngsters. If you never participated, you still have the opportunity – as a volunteer! Call the church office to volunteer in an area for this year’s VBS. And if you know of a child who’d love to attend, contact the church office at or (910) 842-2929 for the info/link to register.

Additional Areas to Serve

Throughout the year and with seasonal fundraisers, Sharon Methodist Church supports other ministries such as Methodist Homes for Children, the Waccamaw Boys and Girls Home, and outreaches to those without shelter locally and in Wilmington.